As I am quoting a Mario Brothers game after killing off all your men and they quickly reload you back with more..."Im ma back!" Although, I am not as quick to "reload" as the game considering it's been almost 2 months since I was last on here!!! :(
So, what has happened since May 8th...
I definitely learned my lesson on doing "May Firsts" as I jinxed poor Jackson that night! Shortly after posting that blog, he fell in the shower and had his first busted eye. Almost bad enough for stitches, but I was able to butterfly it closed. Saving any weak stomachs, I decided not to post the picture that I had taken of him. Jack is such a big boy, with a very high pain tolerance! He cried for a very short time & sat so very still for me to finally get his eye butterflied after two or three attempts!!! :) (You can see the butterfly job in the new big family photo!)
Since that incident, further progress with Jack is that he is saying more words, less accidents with potty training & continues to be so very active. He is developing more with his personality. Thinks he can shine his cute little smile and get away with anything. If that doesn't work, he'll turn his head to the side work his big blue eyes with his hands under his chin and say "Peas"! Just makes you melt!! But there are times you have to be strong against such cuteness!!!
Raelee...she is still in gymnastics and likes it. Currently on a competition team, therefore she is working on routines for when they begin competing in November. Wow, not real sure if I'm ready for all this!! She thinks she is big stuff as she gains confidence in herself and learns new bends and tricks!
Christalynn...has lost another tooth! Finished her first art class last week. Her art work will be displayed at the Arrowhead Mall on July 9th & 10th. She enjoyed her class, I think she didn't like the fact that she had to get up to go though. She too is in gymnastics and likes playing around with her teacher who happens to be a girl we know from church, therefore Christalynn tends to get away with playing around instead of learning!
Both the girls had a great time at Vacation Bible School at Timothy...Raelee was saved! Trying my best not to be judgmental...she doesn't give me the indication that she knows what she has done, or why. Do we even, older in life, understand what we have done or why? I do know that it's by His grace and love for me that He even chose me! So, why can't I accept Raelee understands that and has accepted that? Needless to say, we haven't allowed her to get baptized yet until I know she understands what she is doing, not just because her friends were with her at the time and they are all doing it!
Ryan...already 10 months old. Can stand on his own, has taken a few steps, but not walking yet. Can walk pretty good if holding his hand though! Definitely crawling EVERYWHERE! My little human vaccum cleaner for sure! He certainly loves his older siblings and is anxious to be able to keep up with them. He too has a dashing smile that he thinks gets him out of trouble too!
Chris and I, we are just working and enjoying life with the kids. Trying to hang on to every minute and capture every memory while making more memories. Praying God keeps His hand of protection and guidance on our family as we enjoy life as the unit He has created us to be!
Hope you all have been doing well! I have been trying to keep up with you all as much as possible. Look forward to seeing some of you at the 4th of July celebration with family!