Friday, December 3, 2010

Better Late than Never

Happy Belated Birthday Raelee!

Raelee turned seven years old!
That is so hard to believe.
She is growing so big and strong.
Raelee is a girl who loves pink
and fancy things.
She is a girly-girl!
We love you Raelee!
(PS. Sorry this tribute is so late!)

My how time flies!

I can't believe it has been so long since I had last posted. Sorry for those who try to keep up with me and my kids! Here is a quick preview of what has been happening. Just waiting on pictures to upload, I reviewed my folders of pictures from the computer. It makes me very sad and happy all in one as to how each child has grown into the little person they are!
Back to current events...

Halloween 2010 - We were the Ghostly Family...

Angie and Ryan (yes that is Angie's hair standing up!)

Here were the kids, Audrey was our fairy!

The girls are still doing well in school. They both recieved awards at the 9 week assembly - Koalty Kid. Just so happened the day of award ceremony was
Crazy hair day for drug free week! (Momma is a proud one)

And last, but not least, all four of my lovelies together (in the best pic out of many).
Every moment is a God given second. Without Him, we would have nothing! Thank Him for all things and in everything.
Thanksgiving has also come and gone since I last was spent with family - fellowship and of course FOOD!
Hope all yours are doing well!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm a Big Boy NOW!

Ryan has been moved to the "big bed", a bunk bed in the boys' room. I purchased Jack some "Cars" linen to entice him to go to the top bunk and put "Transformer" linen on the bottom bunk for Ryan. He took to it like a champ! This boy has no problems going to bed when it's bedtime, as long as he's by himself.
Again, it's hard to see them grow up so fast, but I also get to finally get rid of the crib and changing table. That crib has survived 4 children in the last 6 years and is still going strong! On to bigger and better things? God willing, here we go!
I look forward to what God has in store for us all as a family as we develop and grow together as a family unit and in HIM!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Four Posers?

I can't help but chuckle when I see the results of my attempts to capture a posed picture with my four lovely children...

If it isn't one who isn't looking, it's all!
Although on occassion, they happen to all look at once...
Since I was showcasing my children, thought I would add a similar pose from our "fifth" child, Maggie...

As you review these photos, you can only imagine what it is like with our four (or five) lovely well behaved little angels! HAHA! :)
Never a dull or quiet moment when the kids are awake! Thank you Lord for such healthy and onery little ones!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Night FUN!

So, what did we do on this Friday evening....outside to play!
Here's my attempt to get all four children in a good pose, but that continues to be difficult at times! :)
Christalynn is posing for us though!

Ryan is getting around so much, he is into everything!!!!

Here's my look alikes! These two are the big sister and big brother of the genders.
This is a cute picture of them!

God is an awesome God! He is provider of everything; from the breath we breath, the beautiful weather to play in, and the miracle of children. Thank you Lord for your blessings both big and small!
Reviewing previous postings, it's a joy and a sadness that parents feel when they see their children grow up. It's hard for me to imagine that Raelee will be 7 in a couple of months and Ryan has already turned 1. My babies, they aren't babies anymore! Must enjoy and cherish every small moment we have with our children because time goes by so fast!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy Birthday RYAN

My baby is 1!
Ryan loved his cake that Great-Grandma made for him!
Ryan is walking and keeping up with the other kids! He is growing up so fast!
Happy Birthday Ryan! We love you!

Happy Anniversary

Chris and I celebrated our 9th year anniversary August 21st! It is so hard to believe nine years and four kids later, how much it seems like yesterday that we met and married. God truly blessed me with a man who loves me, my family, and God!

Our extended families (thank you Jack, Lyle, Hollie, DJ, and Angie) were gracious enough to keep our kids to allow Chris and I the opportunity to go out of state for our anniversary. We had a great time in Washington state in the Tri-Cities area (three cities surrounding the Columbia River). The weather was to be jealous for! This trip was also a quick trip to see if we would want to relocate our family to the area, but Chris wasn't chosen to further the interviewing process for the Kennewick Police Department.

So, now we can say we had a chance to enjoy our anniversary in a state neither of us had ever been before. 5 years ago, we went to New Orleans, LA as the girls stayed with their grandparents. I see a trend happening, where shall we go in the next 5 years? God only knows that answer!

Chris, you are my love and best friend! Thank you for what you do and how you care for us! Look forward to many more years to come! :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

First Day of School

Poor Christalynn was so nervous on her first day! The teachers sat them down in the cafeteria as other children were eating breakfast and Christalynn was telling a teacher, "I don't want to eat! I already ate at home!"
Raelee is growing up so fast! She lost her 5th tooth the night before the first day of school!
Christalynn is my crazy eccentric child! She makes you laugh! And Raelee who likes to show off, makes you laugh too! (I needed to do some cropping on this photo!! :))

So the first day of school has come and....gone! Both Raelee and Christalynn are in school together, Raelee First Grade and Christalynn Kindergarten. This is so crazy to believe! What happened to my cuddly little baby girls, now they are my big cuddly little girls. Raelee's teacher is known to me and my extended family from when I was a child, so Raelee had gotten the whole "you better be good because your teacher knows me and your MawMaw & Granddad!" speech. Christalynn's teacher is the same teacher Raelee had last year, so Christalynn got the "your daddy and I know your teacher from last year and your teacher knows to call us if you are any trouble" speech. My girls are good girls, just like to enstill some fear into them that they can't get away with anything. It definitely worked with me as a child when my parents knew everyone, surely it will work for me raising my kids! :)
So now its just boy time...haven't decided if this is good or bad! I will lose my "Momma Boys" at this rate!
And here is Ryan, who my baby will be turning 1 year old tomorrow! Happy Early Birthday Ryan! I can't believe it has already been a year! God has blessed me with a child who is so independent, very active, and not at all a cuddling baby. Ryan has been the finishing touch to our family.
I love all my kids, in their each unique personality. It is so fun to watch them grow together. The Lord is good, all the time!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Welcome Home

God gives so many blessings in life, yet there is nothing more priceless than our ultimate homecoming when we have reached our eternal home with Jesus and our Heavenly Father to our mansion He has prepared for us.
Papa has finally reached that destination and is able to enjoy life; singing, dancing, laughing with family and friends who have gone before as well as Jesus! Papa is healed of all ailments and knows everyone by name.
Papa has left such an impact in so many lives, but here some of my most memorable things about Papa...
1. Very active and serving member of church
2. He was loving, always had a kiss and hug when he saw me
3. Taught me hard work, as I spent summers in the hayfield with him
4. Taught me how to drive; I would sit in his lap controlling the steering wheel as he did the gas on our way to church
5. He could always make you laugh with a joke or some little made up tune he would do.
6. He was a tinker man, ducktape and bailing wire could fix anything
7. Loved kids, had a ball in his pant pocket and candy in his shirt pocket. Always made him light up when he could make a kid smile!
8. Above all, Papa was saved and I will see him again when Jesus calls me home.
Papa's favorite Bible Verse is 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear." As there is so much temptation in life, God always provides an escape! No more temptation for Papa, God has provided his escape!
Will see you soon Papa, from your #1 Granddaughter!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

"I'm ma back!"

As I am quoting a Mario Brothers game after killing off all your men and they quickly reload you back with more..."Im ma back!" Although, I am not as quick to "reload" as the game considering it's been almost 2 months since I was last on here!!! :(

So, what has happened since May 8th...

I definitely learned my lesson on doing "May Firsts" as I jinxed poor Jackson that night! Shortly after posting that blog, he fell in the shower and had his first busted eye. Almost bad enough for stitches, but I was able to butterfly it closed. Saving any weak stomachs, I decided not to post the picture that I had taken of him. Jack is such a big boy, with a very high pain tolerance! He cried for a very short time & sat so very still for me to finally get his eye butterflied after two or three attempts!!! :) (You can see the butterfly job in the new big family photo!)

Since that incident, further progress with Jack is that he is saying more words, less accidents with potty training & continues to be so very active. He is developing more with his personality. Thinks he can shine his cute little smile and get away with anything. If that doesn't work, he'll turn his head to the side work his big blue eyes with his hands under his chin and say "Peas"! Just makes you melt!! But there are times you have to be strong against such cuteness!!!

Raelee...she is still in gymnastics and likes it. Currently on a competition team, therefore she is working on routines for when they begin competing in November. Wow, not real sure if I'm ready for all this!! She thinks she is big stuff as she gains confidence in herself and learns new bends and tricks!

Christalynn...has lost another tooth! Finished her first art class last week. Her art work will be displayed at the Arrowhead Mall on July 9th & 10th. She enjoyed her class, I think she didn't like the fact that she had to get up to go though. She too is in gymnastics and likes playing around with her teacher who happens to be a girl we know from church, therefore Christalynn tends to get away with playing around instead of learning!

Both the girls had a great time at Vacation Bible School at Timothy...Raelee was saved! Trying my best not to be judgmental...she doesn't give me the indication that she knows what she has done, or why. Do we even, older in life, understand what we have done or why? I do know that it's by His grace and love for me that He even chose me! So, why can't I accept Raelee understands that and has accepted that? Needless to say, we haven't allowed her to get baptized yet until I know she understands what she is doing, not just because her friends were with her at the time and they are all doing it!

Ryan...already 10 months old. Can stand on his own, has taken a few steps, but not walking yet. Can walk pretty good if holding his hand though! Definitely crawling EVERYWHERE! My little human vaccum cleaner for sure! He certainly loves his older siblings and is anxious to be able to keep up with them. He too has a dashing smile that he thinks gets him out of trouble too!

Chris and I, we are just working and enjoying life with the kids. Trying to hang on to every minute and capture every memory while making more memories. Praying God keeps His hand of protection and guidance on our family as we enjoy life as the unit He has created us to be!

Hope you all have been doing well! I have been trying to keep up with you all as much as possible. Look forward to seeing some of you at the 4th of July celebration with family!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May's Firsts

Even though it is just the beginning of May, it has brought more than are a few firsts going on in our family!

This isn't really a first, just Jackson posing during the first of May! :)

Raelee fell in love with her Kindergarten teacher. This was at her Kindergarten "Celebration/Graduation" ceremony. Raelee was recognized for every day striving for excellence in everything she did! Good Job Raelee...making your parents proud!!!

Christalynn lost her first tooth! She was so excited to be like her big sister in loosing her teeth!
The next pose is of first haircuts.... Old Ryan
New Ryan!
Children are so fun! Brings life such happiness and enjoyment! You never know what may happen next! Hope you enjoyed some of our firsts in May!
A first for me is this Mother's Day will be complete with ALL my children. God has truly blessed me! Praying HE is blessing you too!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

As I reflect on Mother's Day, I can't help but think of all the times I said, "I won't be like my mom! She is crazy!" I believe all kids say that, but reality do carry your mother's traits & you are like them. I find myself saying phrases that my mom used so many times with me, "I'll get on you like a mess of ants!" The girls just look at me, like I'm crazy!! What's up with that?!

My mother is a God fearing, Christian woman, who is hard working both inside and outside the home! She raised me as well as my two younger sisters in a manner that we carry on her legacy in our children. She has shown me how to work hard, love my husband & my children, & serve my LORD.

My mother is a very loving person and in return is very loved by many, especially me and my family! Thank you MOM for what you do for us! Now, I want to be more like my mother as I age!!! Although, still haven't wiped my kids face with my own spit and thumb...still pretty gross to me now as it was when I was younger!

Love you MOM!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Just thought I would share of few pictures of these kids from this morning as they were posing!

CHEESE! Look closely, you may identify what we had for breakfast this morning!

This picture makes her look so grown (growing) up!
It's hard to believe how quickly they grow up. (Oh my, I sound like my mother and my grandmother. I remember them both saying that...gma to my mom, and my mom to me).

Christalynn, what do you say! She is silly!

My belly is full and I'm SLEEPY!
Every time he blinked, the harder it was for him to open his eyes up.
Aren't these kids adorable! Yeah, I'm bias!! It's a mothers' right!

Answered Prayers

I want to thank all of you who happened upon my blog, or those who follow, for the prayers that were needed last week. God heard our requests and granted the healing power that we were so desiring. God is an awesome God that when human understanding is no longer, HE comes with HIS abounding glory to show HIS power and might. God blessed us with HIS power, therefore we can look back and know, know, that it was HIM! Praise the LORD, all is well to the road of recovery!

"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4

"Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisifies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's." Psalms 103:1-5

God is so good....ALL THE TIME!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Needed Prayers

God deals life situations that teach us to lean more on HIM than our own understandings. No circumstance is by chance, yet specifically crafted for each of us by GOD to show HIS glory and build our faith in HIM. Knowing this and truly living it can be so difficult at times! GOD is still mighty and powerful, and definitely all knowing. HE is the great & ultimate physician and healer. HE is GOD!

Dear Lord, please give me and my family peace during our troubled storm. Give us overwhelming healing that only comes from you! Ease all headaches, sick stomachs, generalized pains, and frustrations. Guide all physicians with such skill in their expertise to have wisdom and discernment in treating all ailments. Thank you Lord for the life you have blessed us all with, and pray that our new journey in life will be blessed as well in whatever outcome. You are LORD, take full control of all our situations & may YOU recieve all the glory and honor! AMEN

There are times when you need extra prayer to help you through struggles that don't have to be explained. In your prayer time, just lift my family and I up and God will know how and what to help us with! Thank you in advance for your prayers!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Jackson!

Better late than never, isn't that a procrastinators favorite phrase?!

To my first son, Christopher Jackson Green, Happy 2nd Birthday! Jackson was born March 7, 2008 & we couldn't have been more excited to be having our first boy. Chris wanted to name him Junior after him or after his dad, but in the fear that there wouldn't be another boy child he put the names together. How he got the nickname Jackson, Jackie, Jack, or C.J. is because we already had Chris and Christalynn.

Jackson is still a big boy, born at 9lbs 13 oz, currently weighs 32 lbs and is 32 inches tall. Has a high pain tolerance considering he just grabbed his leg and said "ouch" when he was given his immunizations. Has large blue eyes & adorable smile. He is saying more words, yet still gibbers a lot but Christalynn and Raelee can tell what he is saying?! Having fewer accidents potty training. Loves to play outside, running through mud puddles absolute favorite. Doesn't go anywhere without his red cowboy boots. Can be so stubborn and onery one second and so sweet the next. All in all, Jackson is a true developing little boy, who continues to mature each day as his personality and milestones unfold. It's hard to believe he is already 2 years old! Love you Jackson, look forward to many more years to come!

Update Anyone!

So, sorry that it has been so long since I last posted. This past month has flown by and events have come and gone without me sharing with those who follow my postings. Since the weather has been so nice, there isn't much time spent in the house! So here were some pictures of what we have been doing!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Christalynn

Friday, March 4, 2005 (3/4/5), Christalynn Denise was born. Due to her thick head of hair in the womb, caused her to turn her head wrong where I was trying to put her through the birth canal ear first! Since her progression wasn't satisfactory for the doctor (or me!!!), Christalynn was my first C-Section.

Christalynn to this day, still lolly-gags along in her own little world to her own little beat of her own little drum on her time alone! She is goofy with her stories and quick comebacks or sayings. She likes to play, as long as it doesn't require breaking a sweat! As I have mentioned before, she is our artistic child who would rather draw than perform much physical activity.

Christalynn has contagious smile! Has a free spirited attitude. Still has a thick head of hair (but not curly of course!).

Christalynn is 5 years old now and her biggest wish for her "mommy and me" time for her birthday was to go ride horses! Thanks to some fellow co-workers, we will be making that wish come true tomorrow afternoon before the birthday party!

For now, Happy Birthday Christalynn! Momma's baby girl is growing up, yet is still my little girl! Love you!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Half a Year OLD

Ryan is 6 months old today...Momma's baby is growing up too fast!
The 6 month check-up with the physician will be Tuesday so I can update everyone regarding his weight and height at that time.
What is Ryan up to these days, or the better word is what is he into these days! Ryan is a very mobile baby, doesn't sit still unless he is really sleepy and even then he is "rooting" around to find the right spot!

Ryan loves his walker...

his Johnny Jumper...
I had never seen the springs bouncy so fast and hard before as he does constantly when in this thing! Raelee enjoyed it quite a bit too, but Christalynn and Jack wanted no part of it!
and last but not least...floor time where he can crawl and almost sit up by himself. He will sit up if set up...
Ryan is a very active baby as mentioned above, can't turn your head for a second with him because he can get from point A to point B in seconds and he's a human vacuum cleaner. Everything that hits his hands goes to his mouth..yummy! Yet he is loved and loving as he allows you to cuddle with him for a few moments of the day. Has a great heart warming smile when he sees you. Absolutely love the way he watches his older siblings with great concentration, just soaking it all in, then cracks a smile when the kids play with him.
It is so amazing how God blesses each child with their own personality and abilities! It is all together amazing how God made each and every one of us from two cells and knows us while in our mother's womb! He is an almighty, awesome God! Thank you Lord for your beautiful miracles that you blessed me with...continue to grow and protect each one of my miracles!
Half way there Ryan, coming up 1 year old! (Boo, hoo for mommy!) Love you!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

This young man (he just had a birthday February 11th turning 33) is my God given soulmate, lover, and friend! Chris Green walked into Timothy Baptist Church 8 years ago, while visiting with his sister who was attending at the time, and God said, "There he is, your man!"

Who would have thought that in May 5, 2001 we would have our first date, be engaged on July 14, 2001 and married August 23, 2001? You are probably thinking, "they must have been expecting!" In deed not, seeing as how Raelee was born in November 2003! It all boils down to a GOD thing!!!

My Valentine is a God fearing man who leads his family spiritually as Biblically instructed too, an excellent father who loves his children and doesn't care to be silly with them, and a loving husband who spoils me endlessly.

My husband is unlike most men when compared to my lady friends' men! My husband...
* cooks
* cleans house
* cares for all four children - dressing, diapering, feeding, shopping
* works full-time evenings
* tells us (me and the kids) he loves us
* attends church regularly, teaching a boys class on Wednesdays; even after coming home from work at 1am
* prays for his family & our decisions in life to maintain our home

Now, don't be jealous ladies...any men reading, please take a lesson; again it all boils down to a GOD thing! Yet, I am truly blessed and don't mind to brag about him (of course, not boastfully!).

Happy Birthday & Valentines Day Chris...I love you indefinitely!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hello, Anyone Here!

I was pleasantly reminded that it's been awhile since I last posted. I, of course, kept up with reading everyone else's blogs, yet didn't keep up with my own. It has just been put on the back burner I suppose. So here I am to update everyone, all four of you, what's going on in the Green Family!

Not much! Just the usual grind and routine! Work, school, play, church, and family!

Raelee - has started gymnastics in November & absolutely LOVES it. Requests to go everyday, yet we don't have enough money for that nor enough babysitters to keep the other kids while I take her to practices! She is doing well in school...just had her teacher conference last week and was informed that she is reading and doing math at a first grade level already! Go Raelee!

Christalynn - she is still just her goofy self at this time. Really hasn't found much that interests her yet. She is showing progress in her preschool as evidence by her work brought home & her doodling that she does.

Jackson - on the verge of talking...gibbers non-stop at this time. Will come up to you gibbering like you are to understand what he is saying & his facial expressions are priceless. Of course, he still gets his point across. Have been half attempting potty training, yet not consistently. Bought six pairs of underwear & that wasn't enough! He shows some interest, yet it is hit & miss.

Ryan - is growing up way too fast! He is almost crawling, if he could figure out how to move his hand or knee instead of face plant. He is a very independant baby too, would prefer to be in the floor or walker than to be held. Unfortunately & a blessing that he isn't a baby that likes to be held. He's growing up makes me sad because it is the last infant that I would be having of my own...makes me want another (isn't that crazy)! I have already got the baby fever again! :)

A friend of mine was attempting to do her own photography of her kids & commented on how difficult it can be to get her kids to cooperate to take a good pic....I totally understand & here is my attempts as well. Of course, it is after eating lunch & my babies run around half dressed!

Wouldn't have this life any other way!
Hope all you are having a great year so far & have enjoyed keeping in touch with you all! Sorry for my delay in posting! Just in case....Happy Valentines Day early wishes!