Saturday, October 15, 2011


Do you think God grants you your dreams and desires? 

I believe He does! 

The rumor is true...the Green Family is headed to Colorado Springs, Colorado! 

If you can remember, a year ago, Chris and I were day-dreaming about leaving Muskogee...went and looked at Kennewick, Washington.  Recently, we visited Colorado Springs and fell in love with the place!  This country girl is headed to a big city and outta Oklahoma.

Now, why do I give God the credit for allowing this dream to become reality???

It begins a year ago.  When Chris first approached me about moving away, I blew him off and allowed him to dream.  It wasn't until a small still voice told me, "You better ask me about moving."  I immediately prayed and received an overwhelming peace that we were to move.  I didn't know where, how, or when...just knew that God had a plan and to expect some major changes to come before us.

Again, when we first tossed the idea around about moving...we were looking for Chris a job so I can stay home.  Unfortunately, due to the salary of law enforcement employees, this was undoable for our family; and the nature of nursing salary, my salary is better suited for a beginning.  So, after returning from Colorado Springs in August, I began the process for obtaining a Colorado Nursing License.  The moment I got my license, I put my application out there in numerous areas and received a phone call for an interview within 3 days.  Of course, they didn't do phone interview, so Chris and I made a 36 hours round trip drive to present myself in this interview.  Now, this interview was in an area that I have no experience in, but I was attempting to make an impression with these people so that they could share with the others that I am committed.  I went in for the interview with absolute peace and felt at home...2 hours later...I'm offered the job with a start date!  I will be working at Penrose Hospital in the Cardiovascular Unit! I am so excited and bursting with joy that when I think or talk about this change...I can't help but smile!

How is this God?  It's the indescribable peace that is only from Him. 

This process has taken a lot of divine wisdom and discernment already, but He is in control!!! 

All those who are scared for us, sad for us, maybe even upset with us, please pray for the peace that God has given me about this move.  I do pray that God's glory will show through this move because it has made me look crazy when I explain what we are doing and why!  I will miss all those here, but you are all welcome to come visit! :)

To new beginnings, with a God who is "the beginning and the end"! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm "sad and a little upset" not so much "scared", but I do wish you the very best. It sounds like an exciting opportunity. I did not know what kind of specialty you'd be working. Have fun, but don't work yourself to death. Hope you'll come home often. :) Love you sweet cousin.
