"LOVE the LORD your GOD and keep His requirements, His decrees, His laws and His commands ALWAYS." Deuteronomy 11:1
Sunday, December 27, 2009
White Christmas Comes True
Wow...when is the last white Christmas that you remember, especially in surrounding areas of Muskogee, Oklahoma? I can't remember, but we sure had fun enjoying the snow, most of us did anyway!
I don't think he knew what to think of the cold, mushy substance under his feet & on his hands after he fell. But the girls, (Audrey, Christalynn, and Raelee) had no problem getting in it and being the angels that they are! ;)

Of course, there isn't any fun until the four wheeler is out and a make shift sled is made! Chris gave rides to Granddad (Jody who thought he was 12 again), then all the kids including Crystal and James' children. They all had fun!
Hope you all enjoyed the White Christmas and had your memorable moments in the beautiful rare snow!
Merry Christmas
What a great, fulfilling, complete Christmas it was for the Green Family! Had fun with both sides of the family! Starting with the youngest to the oldest, here is how our immediate family enjoyed Christmas...
With Ryan being so young and just now on the move, this is what he found enjoyable.
Jackson received a CozyCoupe from his Grandma and Grandpa Green, which was a hit. He has even been found playing in it after being told to go to bed. Sneaky little boy!
Here the girls received these cute gifts in their "stocking" and of course made for a cute pose!
I was surprised with my family ring here...Chris always does a good job of getting good gifts for me. I was expecting something different since he claimed that the family ring I had requested was more suited for a Mother's Day gift. I was well pleased!
I on the other hand didn't too to well in hiding the gift that I had gotten Chris (I left the receipt on the computer desk after printing it and having to run after a kid, therefore forgetting about the receipt left for Chris to see). Either way, he was happy to receive the gift regardless.
Our Christmas Eve started early with opening gifts from our immediate family, then off to my sister-in-law's for the extended Green family gathering, then off to my grandmother's for my side of the family gathering. The church candlelight service was of course cancelled due to inclement weather, but all together we had a very blessed Christmas!!!
With Ryan being so young and just now on the move, this is what he found enjoyable.
Hope you all had a great Christmas as well!!! Now wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Ryan 4 months old
It is so hard to believe that Ryan is already 4 months old as of December 21st. How time has flown by. So what is a few things that Ryan is doing these days? ...
* rolling over from back to stomach and vice versa
* moving around in the walker
* smiling and cooing with people, becoming more and more interactive
* cutting two front bottom teeth barely noted here
* already learning how to play with the kids...Ryan is laughing at Sissy as she is pushing Ryan back and forth in the walker making funny faces at him.
* "inchworms" around the floor, if he could figure out how to lift his belly off the ground and put his knees and hands on the ground...he would be crawling. But he can get around from one end of the room to the next by just rolling and inching!
* rolling over from back to stomach and vice versa
* moving around in the walker
* cutting two front bottom teeth barely noted here
*now have the okay to begin solid foods...had his first feeding of rice cereal and not a big fan of it!
At Ryan's 4 month dr apt, found that Ryan is 50% in height and weight...other 3 kids were 75 and above on their height and weight. Is Ryan our runt? Runt or not, he is loved and adjusting quite well into the Green Family. There is definitely no giving him up! He has two older sisters and brother who adore him and are becoming more and more involved in caring for him because Ryan interacts with them. The older kids get so excited when Ryan laughs or coos at them when they are talking or tickling Ryan. It is so fun to watch all the kids play together (without arguing)!
Hang on Ryan...take everything in and learn from your older siblings how to get away with things, be tough because your siblings aren't always delicate, and most of all know you are loved!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Awards and Parties
The last day of school prior to Christmas break included awards and parties! I have such a sense of overwhelming disbelief and pride swelling inside me. Reason for this feeling...my kids are growing up entirely too fast and my kids are great kids!
To start this fine Friday morning, Raelee received an award for self-control during a short awards ceremony. Mrs. Spriggs, Raelee's teacher wrote a nice testament of why Raelee received her award. A little bragging...this is her second award in the first half of the school year! Chris already noted that he didn't get any awards, so Raelee is already ahead of him, but I did receive awards...so Raelee is like me! :)

Then we had Christalynn's school party that is open to parents at her school. The Learning Tree has been a great start for the girls and they gain their foundation as well as their creativity. Creativity is Christalynn's drive, I think...she tends to change her mind at times. She shows more enjoyment in doing their arts and crafts, is content to sit and color or doodle, and has no desire for much physical activity. It is so crazy how children from the same parents have different interests and personalities.
Here is Christalynn doing "Ice Fishing" at a station during their Christmas party.

The whole family, plus Grandma Lyle attended Raelee's award ceremony. Sometimes this can be chaotic, but the boys were very well behaved. The more we have all of us out at once, the better we all act it seems. Practice makes perfect! The boys attended Christalynn's party along with Chris and I, which was nice as they attempted to include Jack in some games and snacks.
Again, it's so overwhelming to look at what God has blessed me with in my children. They are so loving and so loved!
To start this fine Friday morning, Raelee received an award for self-control during a short awards ceremony. Mrs. Spriggs, Raelee's teacher wrote a nice testament of why Raelee received her award. A little bragging...this is her second award in the first half of the school year! Chris already noted that he didn't get any awards, so Raelee is already ahead of him, but I did receive awards...so Raelee is like me! :)
Then we had Christalynn's school party that is open to parents at her school. The Learning Tree has been a great start for the girls and they gain their foundation as well as their creativity. Creativity is Christalynn's drive, I think...she tends to change her mind at times. She shows more enjoyment in doing their arts and crafts, is content to sit and color or doodle, and has no desire for much physical activity. It is so crazy how children from the same parents have different interests and personalities.
Here is Christalynn doing "Ice Fishing" at a station during their Christmas party.
The whole family, plus Grandma Lyle attended Raelee's award ceremony. Sometimes this can be chaotic, but the boys were very well behaved. The more we have all of us out at once, the better we all act it seems. Practice makes perfect! The boys attended Christalynn's party along with Chris and I, which was nice as they attempted to include Jack in some games and snacks.
Again, it's so overwhelming to look at what God has blessed me with in my children. They are so loving and so loved!
Friday, December 4, 2009
O Christmas Tree
"When can we put the Christmas tree up? When can we put the Christmas tree up? When can we put the Christmas tree up?" This is what we have heard for about a week prior to the Christmas tree going up...it almost didn't get put up because Raelee and Christalynn wouldn't quit hounding us about it (just kidding)!
We definitely had plenty of assitance with decorating the tree this year as you can see below, Chris had plenty helpers!

We definitely had plenty of assitance with decorating the tree this year as you can see below, Chris had plenty helpers!
Here is the girls posing while putting their ornaments on the tree. Jackson was taking them back off, which I didn't get a good picture of. But take my word for it that Jackson is quite onery in the fact of things we were putting on and he was taking off, needless to say he was wearing Chris and I patience while doing this joyous task!
I did attempt to get a picture of the kids in front of the Christmas tree after decorating! As Angie noted on Facebook where I posted this picture, my kids don't have clothes on. Yes, at home they tend to run around in a shirt quite often! The other noted factor in this group picture is that Jackson's expression is much the same...not wanting to participate! Got to love candid photos even when meant to be posed!

God is good...all the time! Thank the Lord for sending His son to come to this sinful world, become one of us, to die on the cross for our sins, all in order to allow us an intimate relationship and heavenly home with Him.
This year, "All is well with my soul" is the old hymn that keeps coming to mind. I have a deep complete and content feeling in my soul. One, for the reason for the season. If it wasn't for Jesus' birth I wouldn't have the promise of a heavenly eternity, nor would we even be celebrating a Christmas! Two, my complete family with Chris and the kids! What blessed my heart the most was when we were asking the girls the meaning of why we have Christmas, the star at the top of the tree, and why do we give gifts. Raelee & Christalynn both knew the answers..."Jesus' birthday, the star lead the wise guys to Jesus, Jesus is our present". Then to top it off, the girls were ecstatic to place the nativity scene up.
God blesses in small ways, especially through the kids, confirming in my soul that Chris and I are doing the right thing presently with our direction in raising the kids in a Christian home that is pleasing unto the Lord. Here is the nativity scene the girls put together!
God is good...all the time! Thank the Lord for sending His son to come to this sinful world, become one of us, to die on the cross for our sins, all in order to allow us an intimate relationship and heavenly home with Him.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
As it is Thanksgiving Eve, I find myself thinking of people who have had great influence in my life, especially those who had influence regarding my spiritual life. Of course I am very thankful for what God has given me in my family and friends, but if it wasn't for those people in my life that helped me grow and direct me in the choice of salvation...I wouldn't have the relationship with the everlasting Father and friend that we have in Jesus.
In thinking of those who have had influence, I want to name them:
1. One lady who pushed me as a child to sing is Vernnie Hogan! I even see her influence in my pastor when he leads the singing. Vernnie is very ill at this time, I can just kick myself for not singing upon her request before she became so ill.
2. Vernnie's sister Adene is one of my earliest Sunday School teachers that I remember. I remember hearing her sweet prayers for each person in our class.
3. Grandma (Norma) has always been a strong faithed woman. To hear your beloved grandmother pray over you and know that she does this everyday is so humbling. How many times have I prayed for her?
4. Mom and Dad for raising me in a Christian home. Taking me to church everytime the door was open, being a part of the youth group, and showing me how to serve in a church. Mom and Dad raised me in the verse from Proverbs 22:6 "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
5. A woman I met after conversing with her son, Loretta Lawson. Of course, at the time that I met her, I was interested in her son, but I learned more from her on a spiritual realm. Granted she was of different beliefs that contradicted some things in the Bible, but she did have a strong faith in the Lord. She showed me that regardless of your circumstances, that God is the steadfast and stable thing to turn to and cling to.
6. My pastor, Kelly Payne. Knowing him just as a family acquaintance of Mom and Dad's, I already knew of Kelly. But during the time that I was searching for God, Kelly's instruction through his sermons and classes that he taught, God finally made me realize where I was in my relationship with the Savior. Since then, Kelly has encouraged and challenged my walk with the Lord to keep me accountable and on the right track in my Christian walk. Thank you Lord for his willingness to follow your lead!
7. Last but not least, my husband, Chris. As he holds the responsibility biblically to be the head of household, he does it well. Chris was saved in February 2004 and has lead his immediate family (us) to church, now leading a RA's boys class on Wednesday nights. A tear comes to my eye to see how God has worked and blessed our lives through each other living in Christ. We sometimes think if things would be different if we were high school sweethearts...I believe it would because I think our past gets us to where we are. Chris and I had to do some growing up before we were ready for each other, then had to do some growing up together to be ready for what we have now, now having to grow even more together for what is to come. As long as God is at the top, our (Chris and I) love will grow stronger and deeper.
What are you thankful for? Really put thought to it...don't give a popular answer, one that you take for granted. Sure we can list: God, church, family, world, friends, jobs...yes some of these things are very meaningful, but why are you thankful for them? Who will you bless this holiday with a note of appreciation, a bear hug and kiss on the cheek, a phone call, or a personal visit to tell them thank you for what they have done for you? Good intentions aren't worth anything until they are put to action!
Happy Thanksgiving
In thinking of those who have had influence, I want to name them:
1. One lady who pushed me as a child to sing is Vernnie Hogan! I even see her influence in my pastor when he leads the singing. Vernnie is very ill at this time, I can just kick myself for not singing upon her request before she became so ill.
2. Vernnie's sister Adene is one of my earliest Sunday School teachers that I remember. I remember hearing her sweet prayers for each person in our class.
3. Grandma (Norma) has always been a strong faithed woman. To hear your beloved grandmother pray over you and know that she does this everyday is so humbling. How many times have I prayed for her?
4. Mom and Dad for raising me in a Christian home. Taking me to church everytime the door was open, being a part of the youth group, and showing me how to serve in a church. Mom and Dad raised me in the verse from Proverbs 22:6 "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
5. A woman I met after conversing with her son, Loretta Lawson. Of course, at the time that I met her, I was interested in her son, but I learned more from her on a spiritual realm. Granted she was of different beliefs that contradicted some things in the Bible, but she did have a strong faith in the Lord. She showed me that regardless of your circumstances, that God is the steadfast and stable thing to turn to and cling to.
6. My pastor, Kelly Payne. Knowing him just as a family acquaintance of Mom and Dad's, I already knew of Kelly. But during the time that I was searching for God, Kelly's instruction through his sermons and classes that he taught, God finally made me realize where I was in my relationship with the Savior. Since then, Kelly has encouraged and challenged my walk with the Lord to keep me accountable and on the right track in my Christian walk. Thank you Lord for his willingness to follow your lead!
7. Last but not least, my husband, Chris. As he holds the responsibility biblically to be the head of household, he does it well. Chris was saved in February 2004 and has lead his immediate family (us) to church, now leading a RA's boys class on Wednesday nights. A tear comes to my eye to see how God has worked and blessed our lives through each other living in Christ. We sometimes think if things would be different if we were high school sweethearts...I believe it would because I think our past gets us to where we are. Chris and I had to do some growing up before we were ready for each other, then had to do some growing up together to be ready for what we have now, now having to grow even more together for what is to come. As long as God is at the top, our (Chris and I) love will grow stronger and deeper.
What are you thankful for? Really put thought to it...don't give a popular answer, one that you take for granted. Sure we can list: God, church, family, world, friends, jobs...yes some of these things are very meaningful, but why are you thankful for them? Who will you bless this holiday with a note of appreciation, a bear hug and kiss on the cheek, a phone call, or a personal visit to tell them thank you for what they have done for you? Good intentions aren't worth anything until they are put to action!
Happy Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Raelee is SIX....
Going on 16, so she thinks! We were walking in the mall and she saw a new Chevy Malibu on display, "Mommy, I want that for my birthday!" Isn't it a little soon for those type of wishes and/or wants!!! I'm barely handling her sixth birthday!
To begin the birthday day, we had Raelee open presents from us...

the outfit, bike, & FurReal Cat!
Then Mommy and Raelee time...we went to the mall and she picked out two "fancy" dresses and shoes to match. Then went and purchased items for her party which was scheduled later that afternoon. Here is a picture taken prior to our leaving the house...

After shopping, Raelee had her last cheerleading game for the season of Upward to attend...

"Let's Go UPWARD!"
Then a swimming party with family and friends... **

**Raelee posing, Chris allowing kids to surf , Audrey and Christalynn having fun in the shallow water, Ryan didn't have much to do with the water (he was fighting sleep in the humid & hot indoor pool area), Granddad and Jack swimming in the shallow water (Jack isn't afraid of anything...comes up out of the water laughing after bobbing from loosing his footing!)**
Anyone ready for cake and presents...**
***Great Grandma did an awesome job!***

**Raelee with her friends from church, Raelee showing off some of her presents!**
We attempted the slumber party following the swimming party...Kalei came over and played, helping Raelee break in her new Barbie's, but didn't stay through the night. Raelee was heartbroken yet understood after explaining that some kids don't spend the night with others because they would miss their parents too much. Thank you Kalei for coming over and playing with Raelee for her birthday!
All in all, Raelee says she had a great day and that is what counts!! My "big baby girl" is six years old...
To begin the birthday day, we had Raelee open presents from us...
Then Mommy and Raelee time...we went to the mall and she picked out two "fancy" dresses and shoes to match. Then went and purchased items for her party which was scheduled later that afternoon. Here is a picture taken prior to our leaving the house...
After shopping, Raelee had her last cheerleading game for the season of Upward to attend...
Then a swimming party with family and friends... **
**Raelee posing, Chris allowing kids to surf , Audrey and Christalynn having fun in the shallow water, Ryan didn't have much to do with the water (he was fighting sleep in the humid & hot indoor pool area), Granddad and Jack swimming in the shallow water (Jack isn't afraid of anything...comes up out of the water laughing after bobbing from loosing his footing!)**
Anyone ready for cake and presents...**
We attempted the slumber party following the swimming party...Kalei came over and played, helping Raelee break in her new Barbie's, but didn't stay through the night. Raelee was heartbroken yet understood after explaining that some kids don't spend the night with others because they would miss their parents too much. Thank you Kalei for coming over and playing with Raelee for her birthday!
All in all, Raelee says she had a great day and that is what counts!! My "big baby girl" is six years old...
born Friday, November 21, 2003 at 1238pm
weighed 8 lbs & 2 oz
measured 19 inches long
had full head of black/dark brown hair
our start of a family
a Daddy's Girl
Happy Birthday Raelee...We love you!!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Back into Routines
Well, my first week back to work was....
1. Overwhelming in trying to figure out how to prioritize "my to do list" of many things that haven't been done while I was gone, of things that wasn't maintained the way I was doing them prior to leaving, have figuring out the changes that had been made in my absence (some I like and some that I am changing).
2. Sad in leaving my family after getting to know Chris again and watching the kids grow in their development.
3. Good in getting back into a routine, feeling appreciated for the job that I do outside of the home, and feeling a sense of accomplishment in noting immediate change in projects already completed this week.
Overall, it was a blessed week. Work is still the stressful event - fast paced, critical thinking, emotional/adrenaline high - for the entire 8+ hours, therefore that hasn't changed. The family is gaining a routine as well as Chris gets all four children ready in the mornings to get the girls to school, then the boys return home to play & gain a routine naptime to allow Chris ample opportunity to get more sleep for work. This week went better by the grace of God in His given peace and joy in the blessings that He has given me!
Thank you for all the prayers that went up for me and my family regarding my return to work!
Now, update on the kids...
1. Raelee, well we tend to be fighting a persistent attitude...where do they pick this up? School? TV? Do Chris and I talk this away? Otherwise, she is active in gymnastics which we started 2 weeks ago and she loves it; has two more weeks of cheerleading through Upward; will be turning 6 years old in 2 weeks (oh my gosh...already) :( ; practicing for her debut in the Christmas program at church (she has her own solo part)
2. Christalynn, not much change with her...recieved a note from her teacher that she wasn't including other kids to play with her and her best friend at school, which this really surprised me, but could also see her trying to get some moment of being boss of who she is going to play with or not considering all her bossy siblings at home.
3. Jackson is still his onery self. Right now, we are fighting a head cold it seems with a constant clear runny nose and horrible hacking cough. He has found out how to open the doors to the extent of helping himself outside without asking prior to going outside. This is a concern considering the stories that Chris's parents tell me regarding his "sneaking" out of the house and walking down the street to Braums by himself. We live out here on 10 acres, so there is plenty of adventuring to do, yet he requires close supervision to ensure he is in no danger.
4. Ryan...growing way too fast. He is becoming quite mobile on his tummy already. He has found his thumb to suck while he is playing with his hair with his other hand. More interactive everyday, cooing and smiling. Can roll himself over from his belly to his back, on accident.
Needless to say, the Green Family is growing quickly, each obtaining their own personalities and independence. Makes you thank God for every moment that you have to cherish, because time goes by so quickly!
1. Overwhelming in trying to figure out how to prioritize "my to do list" of many things that haven't been done while I was gone, of things that wasn't maintained the way I was doing them prior to leaving, have figuring out the changes that had been made in my absence (some I like and some that I am changing).
2. Sad in leaving my family after getting to know Chris again and watching the kids grow in their development.
3. Good in getting back into a routine, feeling appreciated for the job that I do outside of the home, and feeling a sense of accomplishment in noting immediate change in projects already completed this week.
Overall, it was a blessed week. Work is still the stressful event - fast paced, critical thinking, emotional/adrenaline high - for the entire 8+ hours, therefore that hasn't changed. The family is gaining a routine as well as Chris gets all four children ready in the mornings to get the girls to school, then the boys return home to play & gain a routine naptime to allow Chris ample opportunity to get more sleep for work. This week went better by the grace of God in His given peace and joy in the blessings that He has given me!
Thank you for all the prayers that went up for me and my family regarding my return to work!
Now, update on the kids...
1. Raelee, well we tend to be fighting a persistent attitude...where do they pick this up? School? TV? Do Chris and I talk this away? Otherwise, she is active in gymnastics which we started 2 weeks ago and she loves it; has two more weeks of cheerleading through Upward; will be turning 6 years old in 2 weeks (oh my gosh...already) :( ; practicing for her debut in the Christmas program at church (she has her own solo part)
2. Christalynn, not much change with her...recieved a note from her teacher that she wasn't including other kids to play with her and her best friend at school, which this really surprised me, but could also see her trying to get some moment of being boss of who she is going to play with or not considering all her bossy siblings at home.
3. Jackson is still his onery self. Right now, we are fighting a head cold it seems with a constant clear runny nose and horrible hacking cough. He has found out how to open the doors to the extent of helping himself outside without asking prior to going outside. This is a concern considering the stories that Chris's parents tell me regarding his "sneaking" out of the house and walking down the street to Braums by himself. We live out here on 10 acres, so there is plenty of adventuring to do, yet he requires close supervision to ensure he is in no danger.
4. Ryan...growing way too fast. He is becoming quite mobile on his tummy already. He has found his thumb to suck while he is playing with his hair with his other hand. More interactive everyday, cooing and smiling. Can roll himself over from his belly to his back, on accident.
Needless to say, the Green Family is growing quickly, each obtaining their own personalities and independence. Makes you thank God for every moment that you have to cherish, because time goes by so quickly!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Torn yet so Blessed
As you know from my last blog...tomorrow is my first day back to work & truthfully I am having a very difficult time with it. It is not that I hate my job, basically I have really enjoyed the lack of stress in my life that my job tends to create at times, if not everyday. And I have truly enjoyed my time off being a stay-at-home mom. Now, I am not the typical stay at home mom...I don't have dinner on the table & don't keep a spotless home with beautiful decor. I am by no means meaning anything negative towards those who do...I do not like to cook and I am not a housekeeper. Of course, I keep up with the laundry and dishes, attempt to maintain some sort of pathway cleared to walk through the house; but if there is something that I could do with the kids or with Chris...I am doing it instead. What have I done on my maternity leave: 1. shuttled the girls (which usually included all four kids) to school, gymnastics, swimming, cheerleading, and church; 2. enjoyed time with Chris...we had gotten to know each other again considering we work different shifts of each other and really only take time to kiss each other goodbye as we switch off kids; 3. painted the girls room and moved them into the spare bedroom, now the girls and boys have separate rooms (not all four children in one room).
I am trying to have a positive outlook to my "trial"...God is in control. He blessed me with this job, I know that, and He could easily take it away. We do need my job for finances due to our debt, and God has that under control too. I am having to really depend on Him to get me through this little lull because I feel so torn between my family and job. I frequently have to keep myself in check to make sure I don't put my job in front of my family because I have a tendency to do that. That may sound crazy, but I give my all to what I do, therefore tend to let out on those closest to me.
Please pray that Chris and I can gain some wisdom and guidance for what is best for our family! We are looking into possibly selling our home to purchase a smaller and less expensive home. Before we do that...I want to be lead to quit work to become a stay at home mom, that is where I need the greatest guidance for the right direction.
Off to bed I go, attempt to get a good nights rest, to go to work "bright eyed and bushy tailed"!!! :) Thank you all to who read this and will keep us in your prayers!
I am trying to have a positive outlook to my "trial"...God is in control. He blessed me with this job, I know that, and He could easily take it away. We do need my job for finances due to our debt, and God has that under control too. I am having to really depend on Him to get me through this little lull because I feel so torn between my family and job. I frequently have to keep myself in check to make sure I don't put my job in front of my family because I have a tendency to do that. That may sound crazy, but I give my all to what I do, therefore tend to let out on those closest to me.
Please pray that Chris and I can gain some wisdom and guidance for what is best for our family! We are looking into possibly selling our home to purchase a smaller and less expensive home. Before we do that...I want to be lead to quit work to become a stay at home mom, that is where I need the greatest guidance for the right direction.
Off to bed I go, attempt to get a good nights rest, to go to work "bright eyed and bushy tailed"!!! :) Thank you all to who read this and will keep us in your prayers!
Friday, November 6, 2009
What a beautiful week!
What a great week the dear Lord has blessed us with, even if it is the first week of November and it feels like May! We have enjoyed it tremendously, allowing the kids to run off energy outside instead of in. Here is what we have enjoyed doing over the last week, which is my last week home...I return to work on Monday (yikes!!!).
Chris and I have been having a discussion regarding God's sense of humor. I believe that He created everything with a purpose, but what is the purpose of some things. For example, what is the purpose of beavers? Are they good for anything? We have had tremendous trouble with beavers this year! As you can see the dam they have created in our drain spout that Chris is having to clean out at least once a week. We now have a beaver man to set traps to try to rid of the beavers, but they are obviously persistent to live in our pond. They have tracks all through our land following the pond and creeks. It is crazy!
The kids outside swinging, pushing Jack, and attempting to ride their bikes in the yard. We also played some kickball! Needless to say, I am very out of shape to try to keep up with the kids and running. Then there is Ryan, just a bouncing...I can keep up with him!
Sorry for the pictures being all over the place and you will have to find which picture goes which paragraph, but it gives you an overall idea of what we have been doing during this great weather! By the way, Angie, here is a single picture of Christalynn since I missed her own little spotlight in my post "random things". I felt so bad for that, but here she is to herself! I am trying to keep up and not neglect the "middle child", as you so know how that is don't you!!! HAHA! :)

Chris and I have been having a discussion regarding God's sense of humor. I believe that He created everything with a purpose, but what is the purpose of some things. For example, what is the purpose of beavers? Are they good for anything? We have had tremendous trouble with beavers this year! As you can see the dam they have created in our drain spout that Chris is having to clean out at least once a week. We now have a beaver man to set traps to try to rid of the beavers, but they are obviously persistent to live in our pond. They have tracks all through our land following the pond and creeks. It is crazy!
The kids outside swinging, pushing Jack, and attempting to ride their bikes in the yard. We also played some kickball! Needless to say, I am very out of shape to try to keep up with the kids and running. Then there is Ryan, just a bouncing...I can keep up with him!
Sorry for the pictures being all over the place and you will have to find which picture goes which paragraph, but it gives you an overall idea of what we have been doing during this great weather! By the way, Angie, here is a single picture of Christalynn since I missed her own little spotlight in my post "random things". I felt so bad for that, but here she is to herself! I am trying to keep up and not neglect the "middle child", as you so know how that is don't you!!! HAHA! :)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Day Dreaming
As I had left a comment on Angie's blog regarding visiting Casper (Wyoming that is), let me fill some of you in as to what is happening in Casper. I really don't know what is happening in Casper! HAHA!
Chris and I talk frequently about picking up and going somewhere, making a life away from Oklahoma. Chris was born and raised here and never has really been out much. I was practically raised here and hasn't been out much either. I have always dreamed of moving north to the mountains like Montana or Wyoming with my big ranch with horses, etc. Now, as I have expressed before...I didn't marry the cowboy I always dreamed of (I married someone much better!), therefore there won't be a "big ranch" on the green mountainside with a bunch of horses. Chris wants to move somewhere where the climate is cooler year round & I am totally for that.
Of course, there are a few fears...
1. Parents are increasing in age, just as we all are, but the "elderly" require some extra tending to. With my personality, I want to be able to ensure they get the proper care they deserve as well as have earned for raising us.
2. Raelee has already started school and Christalynn is right behind her. I don't want them to get established in a school with all their friends to up and leave. At this age, I guess it really doesn't matter, but it's just the thought of making them "fit in" again.
3. Chris and I have never been far away from mommy and daddy. We have no idea what we are getting into and that is what scares us the most! Who would get a job first? Where would we get a job? Where to live..in town, outside of town? How much money will we need? Who would watch the kids when need a break/date?
We are very blessed where we are, but we don't want to look back on life and say "I wish we would have done that when we had the chance". Granted, do we really have the chance now considering economy, etc. We have family that are willing to take care of our kids when needing a date night, or quickly take younger kids while taking the older kids to practices. I definitely don't want to take them for granted! I am very thankful for them!!! We both have very good jobs here, especially considering our jobs are family oriented and allow us "freedom" to partake in activities for our family.
Do I really think Chris and I will ever move...doubtful. We definitely will NOT do any moving prior to us visiting the place. So, our goal for our summer vacation is to visit Casper, Wyoming to see if it is a place to make for the Green Family. So smooth out any ruffled feathers, it is just a dream for now!
Chris and I talk frequently about picking up and going somewhere, making a life away from Oklahoma. Chris was born and raised here and never has really been out much. I was practically raised here and hasn't been out much either. I have always dreamed of moving north to the mountains like Montana or Wyoming with my big ranch with horses, etc. Now, as I have expressed before...I didn't marry the cowboy I always dreamed of (I married someone much better!), therefore there won't be a "big ranch" on the green mountainside with a bunch of horses. Chris wants to move somewhere where the climate is cooler year round & I am totally for that.
Of course, there are a few fears...
1. Parents are increasing in age, just as we all are, but the "elderly" require some extra tending to. With my personality, I want to be able to ensure they get the proper care they deserve as well as have earned for raising us.
2. Raelee has already started school and Christalynn is right behind her. I don't want them to get established in a school with all their friends to up and leave. At this age, I guess it really doesn't matter, but it's just the thought of making them "fit in" again.
3. Chris and I have never been far away from mommy and daddy. We have no idea what we are getting into and that is what scares us the most! Who would get a job first? Where would we get a job? Where to live..in town, outside of town? How much money will we need? Who would watch the kids when need a break/date?
We are very blessed where we are, but we don't want to look back on life and say "I wish we would have done that when we had the chance". Granted, do we really have the chance now considering economy, etc. We have family that are willing to take care of our kids when needing a date night, or quickly take younger kids while taking the older kids to practices. I definitely don't want to take them for granted! I am very thankful for them!!! We both have very good jobs here, especially considering our jobs are family oriented and allow us "freedom" to partake in activities for our family.
Do I really think Chris and I will ever move...doubtful. We definitely will NOT do any moving prior to us visiting the place. So, our goal for our summer vacation is to visit Casper, Wyoming to see if it is a place to make for the Green Family. So smooth out any ruffled feathers, it is just a dream for now!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Our Little Handful
I am sure that most of you were wondering about the third child's tribute...Christopher Jackson, our first son. Chris and I joke that if he was the first child, there might not have been many after him if any...:)! He is quite the handful...into everything & stubborn. The girls stopped doing wrong once you got onto them and disciplined them...Jack, tries, tries, tries again to get away with things. He really tries your patience and consistency! But that is our precious boy!
Christopher Jackson Green was born March 7, 2008. He is named after Chris as well as his paternal grandfather (Jack Green) and maternal great grandfather (Jack Holdridge). Chris wanted to name his sons after him to make a Jr. and one after his dad, but he was afraid he would only end up with one son, so he combined the two names! Jack was our big boy from birth weighing 9lbs & 13 oz and measuring 21 inches long. He is still our big boy weighing 32lbs and not real sure how tall he is. He will be 20 months this week and still doesn't talk except for "bye" and "momma". Who needs words when you can get your point across with body language, grunts, and pointing? He sure gibbers a lot, you wonder if you want to know what he is saying or not. Jack is onery and sweet all in one. Jack and Lyle say that he has the same personality that Chris had as a child...do you pay for your raising?
Here is a few pics of Jack and his contagious smile and big blue eyes! (My pics didn't come up in the order that I wanted, so we will start with the most current pics)...

Jackson and Maggie stand about eyeball to eyeball. Jackson tries to ride Maggie. She is a good dog with him and his abuse. He definitely doesn't like to share his snacks with her though!

Jackson is quite the "momma's boy" and I was very concerned about him being jealous with Ryan. To my surprise, Jack has done very well with him. He likes to hold him, but be ready...when Jack is done he pushes him off his lap!

Jackson is about 15 months here...see what I mean by a contagious smile!

Jackson isn't afraid of much, especially not water in a pool or the hottub. This was at his first birthday party...he loves the water. Granddad has a hottub and Granddad is amazed at how much Jackson likes the water, "he goes under and comes up laughing".

Jackson is 11 months here...again his contagious smile and big blue eyes! He is such a ham. Wonder where he gets that???
Jack, you are a loving and fun little boy!
Christopher Jackson Green was born March 7, 2008. He is named after Chris as well as his paternal grandfather (Jack Green) and maternal great grandfather (Jack Holdridge). Chris wanted to name his sons after him to make a Jr. and one after his dad, but he was afraid he would only end up with one son, so he combined the two names! Jack was our big boy from birth weighing 9lbs & 13 oz and measuring 21 inches long. He is still our big boy weighing 32lbs and not real sure how tall he is. He will be 20 months this week and still doesn't talk except for "bye" and "momma". Who needs words when you can get your point across with body language, grunts, and pointing? He sure gibbers a lot, you wonder if you want to know what he is saying or not. Jack is onery and sweet all in one. Jack and Lyle say that he has the same personality that Chris had as a child...do you pay for your raising?
Here is a few pics of Jack and his contagious smile and big blue eyes! (My pics didn't come up in the order that I wanted, so we will start with the most current pics)...
Jackson and Maggie stand about eyeball to eyeball. Jackson tries to ride Maggie. She is a good dog with him and his abuse. He definitely doesn't like to share his snacks with her though!
Jackson is quite the "momma's boy" and I was very concerned about him being jealous with Ryan. To my surprise, Jack has done very well with him. He likes to hold him, but be ready...when Jack is done he pushes him off his lap!
Jackson is about 15 months here...see what I mean by a contagious smile!
Jackson isn't afraid of much, especially not water in a pool or the hottub. This was at his first birthday party...he loves the water. Granddad has a hottub and Granddad is amazed at how much Jackson likes the water, "he goes under and comes up laughing".
Jackson is 11 months here...again his contagious smile and big blue eyes! He is such a ham. Wonder where he gets that???
Jack, you are a loving and fun little boy!
Halloween 2009
Halloween...costumes and candy, how much better could it get!
The kids were good with their "thank yous" for their candy where we trick or treated in Grandview with Gavin and Audrey; starting from Grandma and Grandpa's house. The Green's had "treat bags" ready for the kids with candy and practical things such as small notebooks, pencil, and stickers.
We then went to a weiner roast at Mona and David's "gazebo"! Thomas did an excellent job of roasting our hotdogs and preparing our marshmellows for smores. Oh, how I love smores! Mona's dogs were dressed in their costumes...they were cute. Company was good, and the night was good too! Even if Raelee lost her second tooth there, and I mean lost it to the point of couldn't find it! We don't know if she swallowed it or it fell out somewhere in the yard. She was so upset and worried that the tooth fairy wouldn't find her tooth! Of course, she was reassured that the tooth fairy knows when she looses a tooth and she would find it regardless if it was under her pillow or not. She was excited to know that was true when she woke up to find her $5 under her pillow the next morning! (I wish I had a richer tooth fairy when I was growing up! Really don't know how we settled on this amount.)
Last, but not least, we went and trick or treated Papa Jack and Great Grandma Norma. Apparently this came as a great blessing for Grandma considering she was having a difficult time with Papa. She was relieved to see him calm down once the kids got there and distracted him. It is very hard to see Papa regress so quickly, but he still has his touch at times. Papa was holding Ryan talking to him in his usual word salad, and Ryan was just looking at Papa and gave him a smile and started cooing back. These moments are the ones to hang on too!! Of course, I didn't have a camera ready, but Angie got a picture with her cellphone (she's usually always ready!).
Halloween 2009 has come and gone, with lots of candy and great memories! Now you can see what the kids were dressed as:

It is so difficult to get a posed picture with four children. How do other people do it? This is a "real" shot of the Green kids! :)

Our little tiger

Granddad's Cow Hand

Pretty Pink Witch

Wonder Woman
The kids were good with their "thank yous" for their candy where we trick or treated in Grandview with Gavin and Audrey; starting from Grandma and Grandpa's house. The Green's had "treat bags" ready for the kids with candy and practical things such as small notebooks, pencil, and stickers.
We then went to a weiner roast at Mona and David's "gazebo"! Thomas did an excellent job of roasting our hotdogs and preparing our marshmellows for smores. Oh, how I love smores! Mona's dogs were dressed in their costumes...they were cute. Company was good, and the night was good too! Even if Raelee lost her second tooth there, and I mean lost it to the point of couldn't find it! We don't know if she swallowed it or it fell out somewhere in the yard. She was so upset and worried that the tooth fairy wouldn't find her tooth! Of course, she was reassured that the tooth fairy knows when she looses a tooth and she would find it regardless if it was under her pillow or not. She was excited to know that was true when she woke up to find her $5 under her pillow the next morning! (I wish I had a richer tooth fairy when I was growing up! Really don't know how we settled on this amount.)
Last, but not least, we went and trick or treated Papa Jack and Great Grandma Norma. Apparently this came as a great blessing for Grandma considering she was having a difficult time with Papa. She was relieved to see him calm down once the kids got there and distracted him. It is very hard to see Papa regress so quickly, but he still has his touch at times. Papa was holding Ryan talking to him in his usual word salad, and Ryan was just looking at Papa and gave him a smile and started cooing back. These moments are the ones to hang on too!! Of course, I didn't have a camera ready, but Angie got a picture with her cellphone (she's usually always ready!).
Halloween 2009 has come and gone, with lots of candy and great memories! Now you can see what the kids were dressed as:
It is so difficult to get a posed picture with four children. How do other people do it? This is a "real" shot of the Green kids! :)
Our little tiger
Granddad's Cow Hand
Pretty Pink Witch
Wonder Woman
Monday, October 26, 2009
Random Thoughts
So, it's been a little while since I have been here...here is the latest updates in no particular order of course!
It's been a crazy few days with the girls being sick, but thank God they are better without much medical need. Just a lot of sleeping and laying around! Needless to say it was rather quiet around the house for a few days except for the boys.
It is hard to believe that Ryan is already 2 months old. He is getting more of a personality! He is starting to get "fun" with his smiling, imitating, and cooing!

Here is poor Jack...the child I haven't done a tribute for yet, but here is a quick pic of him. This is the only time that you will see him still or quiet! He is quite the menice! But is sweet at the same time. Yes, that is a black left eye. You probably won't see him without some kind of bruise to the face. He inevitably hits his head on everything...could it be because he has such a large noggin? Here he fell in the shower!

Do you remember when you were in elementary school and received your first certificate or award for something? I don't remember what my first award was, I think attendance, but I came home and told my parents that I was getting a "chickenfit". Obviously I couldn't say certificate! Needless to say, my parents haven't let me live it down. Here is Raelee with her first awarded "chickenfit" and we are very proud of Raelee!

Here is a deer grazing at the Lake Eufaula State Park where Chris is employed. NO, you can't hunt these deer, at least not in the State Park. This is just some of the wildlife featured at the park. There are times that you could see turkey, wild pig, deer, longhorns, elk, and all kind of birds. Chris swears there is a mountain lion there too!

Here is what the dear Lord has blessed me with...my family! God blesses those who are faithful...I just pray that I remain true to God and raise my family in His ways! Chris and I are on a good start considering that the kids love church and our church family! Nothing blesses your heart more to hear your children pray a loud for you or others, sing praise songs from memory, beg to go to church, tell a bible story that they learned, or desire a part in the Christmas program so bad that they pray for it and audition (by the way the Lord answered Raelee's prayer and she got the part she wanted). God is good...all the time!!!

I know this is probably rambling, but this is the latest happening at the Green House! I pray God blesses you to the fullest as HE continues to do for me!
It's been a crazy few days with the girls being sick, but thank God they are better without much medical need. Just a lot of sleeping and laying around! Needless to say it was rather quiet around the house for a few days except for the boys.
It is hard to believe that Ryan is already 2 months old. He is getting more of a personality! He is starting to get "fun" with his smiling, imitating, and cooing!
Here is poor Jack...the child I haven't done a tribute for yet, but here is a quick pic of him. This is the only time that you will see him still or quiet! He is quite the menice! But is sweet at the same time. Yes, that is a black left eye. You probably won't see him without some kind of bruise to the face. He inevitably hits his head on everything...could it be because he has such a large noggin? Here he fell in the shower!
Do you remember when you were in elementary school and received your first certificate or award for something? I don't remember what my first award was, I think attendance, but I came home and told my parents that I was getting a "chickenfit". Obviously I couldn't say certificate! Needless to say, my parents haven't let me live it down. Here is Raelee with her first awarded "chickenfit" and we are very proud of Raelee!
Here is a deer grazing at the Lake Eufaula State Park where Chris is employed. NO, you can't hunt these deer, at least not in the State Park. This is just some of the wildlife featured at the park. There are times that you could see turkey, wild pig, deer, longhorns, elk, and all kind of birds. Chris swears there is a mountain lion there too!
Here is what the dear Lord has blessed me with...my family! God blesses those who are faithful...I just pray that I remain true to God and raise my family in His ways! Chris and I are on a good start considering that the kids love church and our church family! Nothing blesses your heart more to hear your children pray a loud for you or others, sing praise songs from memory, beg to go to church, tell a bible story that they learned, or desire a part in the Christmas program so bad that they pray for it and audition (by the way the Lord answered Raelee's prayer and she got the part she wanted). God is good...all the time!!!
I know this is probably rambling, but this is the latest happening at the Green House! I pray God blesses you to the fullest as HE continues to do for me!
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