Friday, November 13, 2009

Back into Routines

Well, my first week back to work was....
1. Overwhelming in trying to figure out how to prioritize "my to do list" of many things that haven't been done while I was gone, of things that wasn't maintained the way I was doing them prior to leaving, have figuring out the changes that had been made in my absence (some I like and some that I am changing).
2. Sad in leaving my family after getting to know Chris again and watching the kids grow in their development.
3. Good in getting back into a routine, feeling appreciated for the job that I do outside of the home, and feeling a sense of accomplishment in noting immediate change in projects already completed this week.

Overall, it was a blessed week. Work is still the stressful event - fast paced, critical thinking, emotional/adrenaline high - for the entire 8+ hours, therefore that hasn't changed. The family is gaining a routine as well as Chris gets all four children ready in the mornings to get the girls to school, then the boys return home to play & gain a routine naptime to allow Chris ample opportunity to get more sleep for work. This week went better by the grace of God in His given peace and joy in the blessings that He has given me!

Thank you for all the prayers that went up for me and my family regarding my return to work!

Now, update on the kids...
1. Raelee, well we tend to be fighting a persistent attitude...where do they pick this up? School? TV? Do Chris and I talk this away? Otherwise, she is active in gymnastics which we started 2 weeks ago and she loves it; has two more weeks of cheerleading through Upward; will be turning 6 years old in 2 weeks (oh my gosh...already) :( ; practicing for her debut in the Christmas program at church (she has her own solo part)
2. Christalynn, not much change with her...recieved a note from her teacher that she wasn't including other kids to play with her and her best friend at school, which this really surprised me, but could also see her trying to get some moment of being boss of who she is going to play with or not considering all her bossy siblings at home.
3. Jackson is still his onery self. Right now, we are fighting a head cold it seems with a constant clear runny nose and horrible hacking cough. He has found out how to open the doors to the extent of helping himself outside without asking prior to going outside. This is a concern considering the stories that Chris's parents tell me regarding his "sneaking" out of the house and walking down the street to Braums by himself. We live out here on 10 acres, so there is plenty of adventuring to do, yet he requires close supervision to ensure he is in no danger.
4. Ryan...growing way too fast. He is becoming quite mobile on his tummy already. He has found his thumb to suck while he is playing with his hair with his other hand. More interactive everyday, cooing and smiling. Can roll himself over from his belly to his back, on accident.

Needless to say, the Green Family is growing quickly, each obtaining their own personalities and independence. Makes you thank God for every moment that you have to cherish, because time goes by so quickly!


  1. I'm glad you are getting back into the swing of things. Hopefully it will get a little easier each day.

    Thank you for your great comment on my post. I so hope that I haven't offended either you or Angie. I know from your comments that we are on the same page where family is concerned.

    I did want to make an observation though. You said your daydreaming is a pity party of sorts. Imagine if you moved away from everyone and everything you know....what kind of pity party would you be having then? LOL

    Seriously, I'm not bashing your dreaming. I'm married to a dreamer, so I understand in a way. :)It's fun to imagine sometimes.

  2. Would that be a pity party or "what in the heck did I do" party??!! lol :)

    I think dreaming allows you to escape some of the things we dread facing at times. WHo wants to see their parents grow old and feable? Yet, I think it would be harder to be far away and the changes be more drastic than gradual.

    Dreaming also gives you goals or ambition sometimes...something to work towards. Is moving to CAsper something to work toward, maybe an intiative to get out of debt to afford a move? I wish there was such thing as a debt fairy!!! :)

    There was no offense taken by your comments. As I said commenting on your blog...thank you for your comments!

  3. Okay, I am ready for you to get back into the routine and blog again soon.
